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Anchors Global Technology and Property Investment


Anchors is a leading technology and property investment firm, specializing in various funds formation, investment sales, merger and acquisition, and overseas fund operations.   Anchors teams have experiences in investment sales in the Asia-Pacific region.   We are one of the leading firm in facilitating China and Hong Kong cross border transactions with connectivity to foreign investors.  Anchors offers an expansive range of customized services including equity advisory solutions, creative capital structuring  etc. 



安佳思是一家领先的科技及地产公司, 专业从事基金, 投资销售, 并购, 和科技和地產基金业务。  安佳思在亚太地区的集团投资销售方面有经验。  我们是促进中国和香港跨境交易与外国投资者连通的领先公司之一。 安佳思提供广泛的定制服务, 包括股权咨询解决方案、创意资本结构等。

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